jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

La Luna

Regla #10: Antojos de luna
Decima entrega (9na para mí) del Virus Macacoico.

Para esta entrega escribí el cuento, Luna entre las ramas. Debido a que me pidieron que lo sometiera a consideración para una publicación no lo puedo poner en el blog. Así que para completar el ciclo decidí compartir con ustedes una de mis canciones favoritas (y video) que utiliza como tema a la luna.
La Luna

I remember when I met you
All the stars were hanging in mid-air
in those moments - nothing mattered
But the way you caught me in your stare
We were walking - we were talking
We were laughing about the state of our lives
How our fates brought us together
As the moon was rising in your eyes

On and on the night was falling
Deep down inside us
On and on a light was shining right through

Ah la Luna la Luna
The night that we fell under the spell of the moon
Ah la Luna la Luna
The light that will being me back to you
The light of la Luna
In the hotels, in the cafes
All the world was mad with romance
In the harbor, moonlit water
All the ships were swaying in a dance
Then you held me and you kissed me
And I knew I had to be with you
You didn't ask me, you just took me
to the tiny bed in your tiny room

On and on the band was playing
A song of surrender
On and on the sun would soon break thru

Repeat chorus.

Now I walk along the streets of Marseille
the winter sky is cold and grey
and I don't know why I left you that day
and I don't know where you are

La Luna lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, EMI Music Publishing

Escrito para el emborujo de "Contagiados por el virus" una serie de trabajos creativos inspirados en las reglas / ejercicios del libro "La Macacoa, vivirse la creación literaria", de la reconocida escritora Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro.

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